SCION Instruments is thrilled to announce the launch of the SCION 8900 TQ-MS. This is the fastest GC-triple quadrupole mass spectrometer on the market. Combining the fastest scan rates, improved MRM speed and high sensitivity at full speed, it defines a new standard for quantitative analysis for all laboratories.
The SCION 8900 TQ-MS delivers the fastest scan rates (30,000 Da/s) of any comparable system. Coupled to low dwell times of 0.5ms, the 8900 TQ GC-MS allows you to capture more data in your analysis. With improved MRM speed (1000 MRM/s) it pushes the envelope on data capture to new levels. Included is a high-performance turbo pump for rapid time to vacuum and worry-free operation. See HERE for more details!
Key Highlights
Best sensitivity in positive ion MRM mode (100 fg OFN for 272>222: S/N> 50,000:1).
Six orders of magnitude dynamic range (EDR).
Extensive mass range (1-1200).
Mass resolution of 0.7-4Da with mass stability of 0.1Da over 48h.
Innovative lens-free ion path delivers simplified tuning.
Off axis source and detector increase sensitivity.